Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!

Welcome to 2010. May it kick some serious booty.

While we weren't able to ring in the new year at the Buddhist bell as planned, and no bay fireworks (because the city of SD is lame) our evening was still nice and relaxing last night. I did get to send 2009 off with very yummy tequila shots with my parents, sister, and best friend A - so all in all a successful night.

Many of you know that I am not into new year's resolutions, thinking them silly and not effective. In fact, some studies are starting to come out showing that making new year's resolutions actually negatively affects people's disposition through out the year.

However, this year A and M and I are doing something new - its called "The Happiness Project" and we're really excited about it. Essentially, its a (free) guided approach to managing small and helpful goals to get more out of your every day life. Normally I don't go for this kind of stuff because I think its pretty much all hocus pocus, but this seems pretty realistic and actually helpful. Also, the three of us are doing it together to hold ourselves accountable, and I'll be posting things on here to that end.

How it works: Each month there is a focus, for example January is "energy", and each week there is a tip/ goal / idea to help you with the focus (for example, week 1 is "get more sleep"). See - pretty simple stuff.

So here is to a year where we start taking better care of ourselves!

1 comment:

Amie said...

I am really excited for this... I got our starter kit! :) Here's to making 2010 KICK ASS! :)