I'm also in the process of setting up a supply shop for my sister and I to get rid of our old beading supplies, which means there is a lot of counting to 50 and sorting beads - not the greatest thing for someone with De Quervain's, but at least doing menial things like counting gives me some sort of structure for a couple of hours here and there.
The two biggest things this weekend:
2. D-O-M-I-N-I-O-N. This is as close to typing it as how my roommate Je says it. My roommates and I are now hooked on this deck building game called Dominion. Its kind of ridiculous, because they are those kind of nerds, but its super addicting, and like all deck building games, each game you play is totally different and requires different strategies, so its really fun because the three of us play differently each time, so its sort of fair game for who will win each round.
The rest of the week I'll be in Death Valley with my sister and my friend/practically brother L. STOKED!!!
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