Saturday, June 8, 2013

Its been a long time ...

No joke, it has been over two years since I tackled wrote anything on this blog! About a week after my last post our lovely cat Dinah suffered from kidney failure. But fear not - after weeks of careful ministrations, sub-cu fluids, forced kitty pedia-sure feedings, and very little sleep our kitchen reverted back from a vet hospital to a kitchen and our girl made a full recovery (see photo below)! Less than a week after Dinah started eating again I lost my Grandmother. Life kind of stood still for a while after that. When I started catching up on my life the blog sort of slipped away, but now I'm ready to give it another go!

In the past two years a lot has changed. I went from unemployed to employed (twice!), single to in love and then back to single, my friends started making babies(!), and I went from living with roommates to living with my lil' sis. Several things have stayed constant: my awesome friends, my wonderful family, delicious beer tasting outings, hiking and traveling adventures, and my love of plants and critters. 

The Past 2 Years

The largest change in my life recently: my parents recently moved up to the San Jose area, and my sister and I have moved back into our childhood home together - so fair warning: expect a lot of photos of planting adventures and yard work...

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