Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New Etsy Business Cards!

On Friday I received 2 sets of business cards from One for Aeonium Design Studio, and the other for my Rabbitwerks Etsy Shop. I am really excited for my new cards - I have photos on the front that reflect better my current trend in jewelry making (I'm kind of into the whole boho thing now a days) AND they reflect my new shop look/banner. They also include a repeat customer coupon code!

You may notice a QR Code on the bottom right of the card. I did these a few months ago, and they've been a big hit with everything from my design studio to my personal portfolio.

Its a pretty fantastic little piece of technology. Grab the nearest smart phone, complete with scanning app (I use the Optiscan app for the iPhone), click, and surf the linked website. So now you can access my Etsy shop on your phone, via my business card ;) Seriously sweet. Go ahead, try it. You know you want to ...

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