Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wacky Wednesday: Wacky Kitty

Some of you know my cat Bycx - she used to belong to some friends in SLO and she has since moved into my parents' house. They've sort of adopted her, and she rules the roost - so I've never had the heart to move her out of there and around San Diego with me. So while she's "technically" my cat, she's really just one of the family.

At any rate. She's crazy. I don't know why, but she has developed some interesting quirks. She thinks she's a puppy, she can do higher level calculator math, she regularly changes the screen display parameters on various computers (Mac or PC, doesn't seem to matter), and instead of killing the gophers or mice in the area around the house - she befriends them.

Gotta love her. This past week I snapped two pictures of her/ her "talents":

Her higher level math/calculator skills

Waiting for her gopher friend to pop up.
She used to play whack-a-mole with the gophers in the yard, now they touch noses and sniff each other... Like I said, she's quirky.

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