Strange title for this post, but the song keeps popping into my head these past couple of weeks.
As some of you may know my Uncle was diagnosed with Stage IV Glioblastoma multiforme (a type of brain cancer) last Thanksgiving. He is 55 years old, and with the exception of the cancer, healthy as a horse. Radiation treatments, surgery, and recovery have dominated the last 10 months of my Texan family's lives and unfortunately, just over two weeks ago, things took a sharp turn for the worse. Hospice has been brought in to assist with taking care of my Uncle, and he is living out his final days in the comfort of his and my Aunt's home, surrounded by family.
I don't write this for pity, but to document some of the truly amazing experiences I had when I went out to Texas for several days to visit last week. Throughout my time there I found myself bouncing back and forth between exhaustion, overwhelming joy at simple things, and the feeling of loss. If ever a time can be described as a roller coaster of emotion, I think it is watching a loved one's health and mental state decline so quickly.
My Uncle is one of the strongest people I know. The man is a force to be reckoned with - certainly a force for good - but a force nonetheless. He has a strength of character to express his love and devotion in a way that most adult men don't have the courage to do. The man oozes love - and not in a cheesy way - it comes from the purest of places and it touches everyone he knows. His joy of life, love, family, and friends has always been contagious. Its impossible not to have fun and be happy when you are around him.
My Uncle is a Pastor at what I consider to be a large church, and has been for some time. He's helped countless people in struggles with their faith, marriages, grief, etc. and now all of those people are helping out. My faith in humanity was certainly bolstered being in the house last week. There has been a steady stream of people coming in with meals, kind words, hugs, and prayers for the family. Each night at least one of his friends from church comes to sit with him, should he wake up. These guys help change him, help feed him, read to him, sing to him, and pray over him. Its touching and reassuring to see so many people express so much love, devotion, and support for my Uncle and his family.
Despite the stress and grief associated with all the trip I often times found myself smiling, and even laughing. With the constant stream of people in the house, and time to spend with my cousins and my Aunt, memories were shared and some embarrassing stories retold.
When I left I was struck by the following:
~ Simple pleasures are truly magnificent. We were able to take my Uncle outside for about 45 minutes one morning. He laid back in his wheelchair, closed his eyes, and with a smile from ear to ear reveled at the feel of a slight breeze and dappled sunlight on his skin.
~ My Aunt and cousins are some strong ladies. I know they wouldn't have it any other way, but it takes a lot of strength, emotion, love, and nerve to take care of a loved one in a situation such as this. I will forever have some amount of awe associated with the memories of the time I spent out there last week, simply for the sheer strength all three of them possess to get through this with the grace that they have.
~ Hospice is truly great. I've had some experience with hospice before, and each time I've been incredibly thankful for the support that they provide to patients and their families.
~ There is nothing more mind blowing to me than how compassionate people can be.
So there it is. Despite all of this, I am content in the knowledge that my Uncle has certainly lived a life full of love, compassion, strength, and devotion.
All you need is love. The Beatles weren't kidding. With love comes happiness, with happiness comes wonderful people in your life, and with that, I think you can make a remarkable impact on this rock we call home.
we were so glad to have you visit, A.
lots of love,
i'm glad i was able to. much love to all of you.
i so appreciate your tender, sweet words. i am so glad you were able to visit and walk through part of our journey with us. love you!
hugs stacy. its been really great for me to be able to read what you've been writing the last couple of days. thank you for sharing. muah!
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