Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's Complicated

Three of us went to see It's Complicated last night - and I am going to have to add it to my list of movies that made me laugh *a little* too loud in the theater.

It was chalk full of humor, well delivered lines, and fantastic characters. Meryl Streep is, as always, amazing! She plays against both Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin in such a natural, non manipulative way that I feel like any woman can relate to her character Jane and the situation she is in. Also, I love Alec Baldwin's character, Jake, its almost like Baldwin's Jack Donaghy character on 30 Rock but with a lot more depth. My absolute favorite character is Harley, played be John Krasinski - he definitely held his own against 3 acting giants and had some hilarious scenes. We're pretty sure the role was written for him, and he nailed it.

The movie is set in Santa Barbara, and I'm totally jealous of Jane's house and garden. Watching the movie made me a tiny bit homesick for the central coast.

It was refreshing to see a "complicated" set of relationships that are not malicious. I feel like the majority of real "exes with benefits" relationships are the way they are portrayed in this movie, and that this is rare in tv/movie relationships.

If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it.

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